December 31, 2005
By Larry Underhill
TIME TO SAY THANKS: It’s been a great year! One of the gratifying things about being a 21-year veteran of the Lodi-area Real Estate bizness is the wealth of relationships built over decades of working together with many of YOU. I look back over 2005 with a sense of satisfaction and a whole lot of gratitude to those who allowed me to serve them AND those who referred their friends and family my way. THANK YOU!
THANKS, UNCLE! Your Uncle Sam needs your help again. Postage stamp prices are scheduled to jump from 37 cents to 39 cents around January 8. Members of my Client Appreciation Program are receiving an “emergency care package” containing a few two-cent stamps to carry them through the early January bill-paying frenzy. (If you’re a CAP member, watch your mail for your stamps!).
You don’t have to be an actual past client to be a part of my CAP Program. If you read this little rant, you qualify! Six hundred or so folks receive regular items of value from me, everything from money-saving strategies to how-to-increase-the-value-of-your-home information to helps like this month’s. All I ask is that you remember me to your friends and family when they need a dependable Realtor! To become a part of my Client Appreciation Program, call me or give your mailing info to Debbie Mason, my Director of First Impressions. I’d love to add you to my jolly little band.
NEXT WEEK we’ll get back into the groove with updates on some great listings! I’m happy to report that, as happens every year, we continued to negotiate transactions and close sales all the way through the Holiday season (and some say you can’t sell anything this time of year!). Come this Monday, we’ll hit the ground running and start 2006 with a bang!
Jim Rohn is described as “America’s foremost business philosopher”. He makes the observation that human beings are the only animals on the planet who have the ability to make the conscious decision to change their lives.
As we close in on the new year, it’s a natural time to take stock and evaluate what’s working for us and what’s not. Surveys show that a generation ago, almost everyone made New Years resolutions. These days, almost NO ONE makes ‘em. Why? My guess is because a lightweight resolve can’t bring about lasting change. However, we human types CAN make the decision to reinvent ourselves if we’re serious! We don’t have to stay stuck in the rut of the past, and this is a great time of year to take stock and see what needs changing!
Somebody said, “If you keep on doin’ what you’ve kept on doin’, you’ll keep on gettin’ what you’ve kept on gettin’.” Somebody else defined madness as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Let’s you and I make a mutual agreement to (1) take a good look at our lives, and (2) with God’s help, make 2006 OUR YEAR to finally slay whatever dragon we’re facing! Next time you see me I plan to be skinnier. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Statesman Realty
(209) 333 2380
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